The Principle Podcast
The Principle Podcast
Personality is your competitive advantage

Personality is your competitive advantage

If you’re subscribed to this podcast, I know exactly who you are. Even if we haven’t met yet.

You’re ambitious, curious, and motivated. You want the most out of life.

You tend to think logically. You try not to let your emotions guide you. You’re always looking for opportunity.

But, I bet you’ve ignored about the most life-changing trait a human can have:


When was the last time you interacted with someone, and all you could think immediately after was, “that was dope!”?

Don’t worry if nothing comes to mind. Like I said, most people ignore this.

Here’s the opening scene in The Dark Knight Rises (the one with Bane).

It’s objectively dope.

Watch it, even if you’ve seen it!

If your first thought after watching that scene wasn’t, “holy shit, that was dope!”, stop listening.

It’s hard to put into words the feeling that you get after something is masterfully executed in front of your eyes. You’re awe-struck.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “that’s cool, but I don’t make movies.

Don’t worry about it. Everyone can and SHOULD be a showman.

Here’s how. I call it, the P-E-D framework:




Imagine you’re a barista at a coffee shop.

As you can imagine, your average interaction is pretty forgettable.

Take an order, make it, next customer.

It’s monotonous.

What if you started putting some effort into breaking that monotony?

Be personal.

Instead of saying “hey, what can I get you?” Say, “hey, I’m _____. What’s your name?”

Be energetic.

Smile. Laugh. Walk with some pep in your step.

Be different.

Crack a joke. If the customer’s name is James, write ‘Bond’ on their order.

Here’s a secret – no one cares if it’s corny! You’re still different.

You do get bonus points for actually being funny though…

In short, you want to find a way to make interactions memorable.

The fancy term for this is: pattern interrupt.

We’ll call it having some sauce.

That sauce will be key ingredient to get people coming back for more coffee.

In a world where everyone is competing for your attention, you have to stand out.

And you won’t do that by being like everyone else.

Go put some sauce on whatever you do.

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The Principle Podcast
The Principle Podcast
You can learn something from every single person you meet.